Overall service of Medical Packaging
Provide state-of-art sterilization packaging for Medical Industries and healthcare business
About Manufacturing
We offer relevant sterilization pouch and bag and rollstocks for medical industries through the latest and most reliable equipemnt and manucaturing capabilities.
Packagings for medical device manufacturer
Suitable for ETO or Gamma sterilization
According to the suitable sterilation method of product, packaging type and selected materials, we provide the following packagings for the medical industry.
- Tyvek Header bag - For gowns & drape's packing and heavy duty medical devices.
- Reinforced paper/film pouch or Tyvek pouch - for mainstream medical devices
- film to film, paper to paper pouch, aluminium pouches.- for glove or light weight medicla devices
- Tyvek middle seal bag - for IV Set and light weight medical devices
Medical Industrial Packaging
Medical device packaging not only illustrates eye-catching looking and lucid instructions, moreover it plays an important role to assure medical devices in a sterile system starting from manufacturing to end-user presentation.
Our Service
From design to sterilization
Provide best combination of packaging
Print and die-cut according to demand
Production in well quality control
Pack products in cleanroom environment
Deliver to sterilization process
Support to certification
Sterilization Packaging for Healthcare
Healthcare sterilization packaging in hospital central sterile devision take significant role in assuring the sterile integrity. Till now the serious problem about death resulted from occurences of healthcare associated infections happen every year. Choosing right, good quality and traceable packaging materials can effectively manage the risk.
Dental and healthcare sterilization packaging
The dental and healthcare sterilization packagings in terms of sterilization reel, heat seal sterilization pouch/self sealing sterilization pouch, paper bag coulbe determined by the suitable sterilization method and cost/performance consideration.
We Care your Products
Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.Taipei Office: 4F., No. 209, Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)886-2-28095616

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